Despite all its difficulties, the winter is not a time of stagnation. In the sixth volume of The Yorker Gazette, our contributors have made the season their muse by submerging their subjects of military and society in the snow of winters long past. Life in the period did not stop with the icing of rivers and the end of the harvest – it carried on, and the articles before you colour the picture of how those lives, practices, and institutions endured as they did.
Our writers explore a suite of topics, ranging from the various states of army life during winter, to how the civilian population of Upper Canada carried the dual burden of service to both home and state. Whether wide in scope or local in fixation, all these pieces share the common thread of an insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm for the history of our period.
Take the time to read, to both reflect on the Regency Era during the winter months, and to anticipate the new campaigns and companionships to come as the new re-enacting season approaches. This winter, do not let yourself be sieged by snow; instead gather round the warm hearth of the Gazette, and read on!
Cover Photo by: Olivia Chonchera.
